Saturday, January 28, 2012

YES! I'm 'Real'!

After a few missteps, I am finally able to post.  I promise to try not to talk too much.  But have you guys seen THIS artist's work?  David Shevlino.  I just got his DVD - LOVE it. :)  Love you guys, too...

Kelley Mac


  1. Another great artist there, Kelley! Love 'The Lifeguard'.
    AND just read that he's teaching a workshop in Scottsdale in January 2013. Wouldn't that be a place to meet again?

    1. That is a GREAT idea, Regula!! I'm in! It would be soooo nice to be in Scottsdale in January with this wonderful group!!

    2. Scottsdale would be a great place to meet up again. And there are soooo many great teachers, I'm sure we would find a time and workshop that would suit us all.
      I'm actually hoping to take Joe Lorussos class again, he's usually in Scottsdale in March...

  2. Oh, btw: which DVD did you buy? I just watched the trailler and they seem very good.

  3. You're right Kelley - his work is amazing! Thanks!

  4. Seen it and signed up for his workshop in Maryland! Can't wait! It is in May I believe.

  5. His dvds are fantastic! I have "Painting Loosely" and "In the Studio." I like them both, but "Painting Loosely" is my favorite. I've learned a lot from both. He has a nice voice and explains in understanding terms. Some dvds are too long and/or the voice is irritating. These are good ones!

  6. Hmmm... have to look at the 'Painting Loosely' again. Did you see that he has some YouTube videos as well?


Thanks for the comment!